
Has the business world already invented every conceivable process? Yes it has.

Has the business world already invented every conceivable process?
Yes it has.

Part 1 of 2: Addressing common historical challenges

By Matthew Bifolchi

If you’re a music fan, it’s often said that every riff and every combination of notes has already been written. To me, that’s proven every time I’m forced to listen to something emanating from my teenager’s bedroom. Ok, let’s table that one for a different day.

However, the analogy is apt when comparing music to a business process. Regardless of business type, the required workflows, the gates and roles, and more—I dare say that globally everything has been done. Or at least close. For everyone reading this, that is excellent news. It means that long before you contemplate long and arduous hours of process engineering, first look to the world to see who has done it and, better yet, who has done it well.

A prime example is in our world of document management. Yes, we have a platform. And for the most part, people will hear me say that it can be configured to do just about anything. Now, I know wholeheartedly that is not always the best opening line—especially taken out of context. But when followed up with the fact that we have helped our global customer base create thousands of custom workflows and processes, the fact that our platform can “do anything” suddenly becomes far more relevant.

Regardless of your business challenge, one of our architects has most likely already solved your problem. It means that somewhere in the depths of our customer base, we’ve created a workflow for a specific business requirement that can now, in turn, be easily tweaked and configured just for you—mass-customization of processes making your life easier.

The more significant question becomes, is the concept of reverse engineering dead? After all, there is the fine art of “stealing like an artist” that many companies rely on to this day. But reverse-engineering still requires time, money and talent—all of which can be in short supply for many organizations.

In this new world that we all live in, one that embraces digital transformation on a grand scale, every organization is forced to move in near real-time. So, what’s better, trying to reverse engineer something that someone else has done? Or, add a pre-configured workflow into a system, then take a day or two to augment it to match your exact needs ever-so-slightly.

To me, avoiding the costly aspects of time, money, and resources is a given. Instead, take advantage of pre-configured and real-world tested processes.

Don’t take my word for it—here are some widely published, disturbing numbers for you. If you were to take the “let’s custom-build our unique application,” here’s what you could expect. The average cost to build a simple custom application is approximately $172,000. However, this can increase to a minimum of $750,000 for complex enterprise apps and functionality. Worst of all, 40% of business applications take six months or more to develop, test and implement.

Do you have the time, talent and resources for that? I know I don’t. So, back to pre-developed processes. Our platform is fully configurable, boasting a “No-Code” approach resulting in business process applications that can be created and deployed more quickly, reliably, and far less expensive than custom builds.

Here’s an easy step. Start your free trial and talk to one of our specialists.

We’re happy to help you compare the speed, outcome and costs of old-school reverse engineering and custom building to something that has already been pre-tested to perfection. Best of all, you will be not be required to listen to any music coming out of my teenager’s room. Seriously, what is he thinking?

Want proof?

Contact me directly—I guarantee seamless collaboration can be your new reality, and far faster and easier than you might think.

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